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Mosaic Mandala Design Workshop (4 Sessions) date TBD

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Product Details

Winter 2022 date TBD- Four sessions at Nancy's Mosaic Studio in Carmel, IN.

Class Level: Beginner to intermediate level (designs will be tailored to each student's skill level).
CANCELLATION POLICY Class size limited to 9 students

Saturday, September 11 | 12noon- 5:00pm

Sunday, September 12 | 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Monday, September 13 | 6:30pm- 9:00pm

Tuesday, September 14 | 6:30pm-8:00pm

Explore mandala geometry in contemporary mosaic art. Students will individually design and create their own 18" glass mosaic art wall hanging or table top. Learn to design with compass/ protractor. Use mosaic hand tools to cut and shape "vit" glass tiles to individualize your creation. Grout and finish in the final session. Get hands-on experience grouting!

Students will use the "direct setting " method. I will present and demo "mesh & pattern" and "reverse setting on paper" techniques.

Fee includes ALL materials (substrate, mirror, glass, adhesives, grouts) and mosaic hand tool usage. Wrought iron tables legs additional charge.

Prefer to have your own mosaic tools? Quality mosaic hand tools available for purchase at class!

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